BEC初级考试指南 | 了解考试形式,科学高效备考
Reading and Writing 阅读与写作部分 | | | Reading: 7 parts; Writing: 2 parts | | Reading: 45 questions; Writing: 2 tasks | | Reading: 25% of total; Writing: 25% total |
| Five very short texts (they may be signs, messages, postcards, notes, emails, labels, etc.). You have to read them and choose which of the three sentences (A, B or C) is correct. | What do I have to practise? | Reading notices and other short texts to understand the main message. | How many questions are there? | | How many marks are there? | One mark for each correct answer. |
| 此部分共有五道题目(可能是电子邮件、明信片、便签等)。考生需阅读并选择正确答案。 | | | | | | |
| Five short descriptions, often of people’s requirements, and one text to read. You have to match each person to part of the text. | What do I have to practise? | Reading to find specific information. | How many questions are there? | | How many marks are there? | One mark for each correct answer. |
| 此部分由一个题干和五个句子(通常是描述人们的需求)组成。考生需将句子与题干进行相应的配对。 | | | | | | |
| Eight graphs or charts (or one or more graphics with eight parts) and five questions. You need to match each question to a graph or part of a graph. | What do I have to practise? | Reading and understanding visual information | How many questions are there? | | How many marks are there? | One mark for each correct answer. |
| 此部分一般由八个图表(或者一张带有八个不同部分的图表)与五个句子组成,每个句子都是对特定的图表或图表的某一部分的描述。考生需将句子与图表进行相应的配对。 | | | | | | |
Right/Wrong/Doesn't say 判断题 | A text and seven questions. For each question, you have to decide if a statement is A 'Right' or B 'Wrong', according to the text, or if the information is not given in the text, you should choose C 'Doesn't say'. | What do I have to practise? | Reading and finding detailed factual information. | How many questions are there? | | How many marks are there? | One mark for each correct answer. |
| 此部分由一篇短文和七个问题组成。考生需根据短文内容,选择A(Right)或B(Wrong),若短文中无提及则选择C(Doesn't say)。 | | | | | | |
| A text, often from a leaflet or from a newspaper or magazine article, with six multiple-choice questions. Each question has three options. | What do I have to practise? | Reading for gist (the main ideas) and specific information. | How many questions are there? | | How many marks are there? | One mark for each correct answer. |
| 此部分由一篇短文和六个问题组成,短文通常是摘自传单、报纸或杂志的文章。考生需阅读短文并选出正确答案。 | | | | | | |
Multiple-choice cloze 完型填空 | A text (newspaper or magazine article, advert, leaflet, etc.) with twelve numbered spaces. Each space represents a missing word and you have to choose the right answer (A, B, or C). | What do I have to practise? | Reading – understanding when grammar is correct and understanding the structure of a text. | How many questions are there? | | How many marks are there? | One mark for each correct answer. |
| 此部分为一篇文章(通常来自报纸、杂志、广告、传单等),文章中有十二个空格,每个空格都是一个缺失的单词。考生需阅读并选择正确答案。 | | | | | | |
| Two short texts (memos, emails, notices, adverts, etc.) and a form to complete. You have to read the texts and fill in the correct information (a word, a number or a phrase) in the empty spaces on the form. | What do I have to practise? | Reading and transferring information. | How many questions are there? | | How many marks are there? | One mark for each correct answer. |
| 此部分由两篇短文(通常是备忘录、电子邮件、通知、广告等)和一张表格组成。考生需根据短文内容,在空白处填写正确的信息(单词、数字或短语)。 | | | | | | |
What's in Part 8? (Writing Part 1) | An internal company communication. The instructions tell you who to write to and what you should write (e.g. a note, a message, a memo or an email). | What do I have to practise? | Writing short messages to colleagues. | How many questions are there? | | How much do I have to write? | | How many marks are there? | This question has a total of 10 marks. |
| 考生需根据提示,写一篇应用文,通常为便条、备忘录、电子邮件等。 | | | | | | | | |
What's in Part 9? (Writing Part 2) | A piece of business correspondence (letter or email) or a notice, an advert, etc., to read. The instructions tell you what to write and who to write to. | What do I have to practise? | Writing business letters to people outside your company. | How many questions are there? | | How much do I have to write? | | How many marks are there? | This question has a total of 20 marks. |
| 考生需根据提示,写一封商务信函(信件或电子邮件),或通知、广告等。 | | | | | | | | |
| About 40 minutes, including 10 minutes to transfer your answers onto the answer sheet. | | | | | | |
| Eight short conversations/monologues (one person speaking). For each recording, there is a multiple-choice question, which may be in the form of words or pictures. You have to listen to the recordings and choose the right answer (A, B or C). | What do I have to practise? | Listening for specific information. | How many questions are there? | | How many marks are there? | One mark for each correct answer. |
| 此部分为八个简短的对话或独白。考生需根据录音内容选择正确的答案。 | | | | | | |
| A short conversation or monologue which contains factual information and a form, table, chart or set of notes with gaps. You have to listen to the recording and write the correct information (dates, prices, percentages, figures, etc.) in the gaps. | What do I have to practise? | Listening for specific information – numbers and spelling. | How many questions are there? | | How many marks are there? | One mark for each correct answer. |
| 此部分为简短的对话或独白,录音中包含了空白处的相关信息。考生需根据录音内容,在空白处填写正确的答案。 | | | | | | |
| A longer monologue and a page of notes or a form with gaps. You have to listen to the recording and fill in the missing information (one or two words) in the gaps. | What do I have to practise? | Listening for specific information. | How many questions are there? | | How many marks are there? | One mark for each correct answer. |
| 此部分由一段较长的独白和一页笔记或有空缺的表格组成。考生需根据录音内容,在空白处填写缺少的信息(一或两个单词)。
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| A longer recording (about 3 minutes) which may be an interview or a discussion between two or more speakers on a business-related topic. You have to listen to the recording and choose the right answer (A, B or C) for each of the eight multiple-choice questions. | What do I have to practise? | Listening for gist (the main ideas) and specific information. | How many questions are there? | | How many marks are there? | One mark for each correct answer. |
| 此部分为一段较长的录音(约3分钟),可能是两人或两人以上就一个商业话题进行采访或讨论。考生需根据录音内容,选择正确的答案。
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| 12 minutes per pair of candidates. | | | | | | with the examiner with the other candidate on your own |
| A conversation with the examiner. The examiner asks questions and you give information about yourself and your opinions on business-related topics. | What do I have to practise? | Talking about yourself, agreeing and disagreeing, expressing preferences. | How long do we have to speak? | |
| 此部分中,考生需与考官交流。考官提出问题,考生需回答对应的个人信息,以及对商业相关问题的看法。 | | | | |
| A 'mini-presentation' on a business theme. The examiner gives you a choice of two topics and you have 1 minute to prepare and then give a short talk lasting about 1 minute. Listen carefully when your partner speaks as the examiner will ask you which point you think is most important. | What do I have to practise? | Giving a short talk on a business-related topic. Giving information and expressing opinions. | How long do we have to speak? | About 5 minutes, including a 1-minute ‘long turn’ for each candidate. |
| 此部分为一个商业主题的小演讲。考官将提供两个题目做选择,考生有一分钟的准备时间,准备结束后,有一分钟的时间做简短演讲。 当搭档演讲时,请考生注意聆听,考官将询问在对方的表述内容中,你认为哪一点最重要。
| | 就一个与商业有关的话题做简短演讲,提供信息并发表意见 | | |
| A discussion with the other candidate on a business-related topic. The examiner describes a situation to you and will give you some black and white pictures or written text to help you. You have to talk to the other candidate for around 2 minutes about the situation and decide what to do. | What do I have to practise? | Giving opinions, agreeing and disagreeing, etc. | How long do we have to speak? | |
| 此部分中,考生需与搭档就商业话题进行讨论。考官将提供图片或文字作为辅助,考生与搭档讨论2分钟后,开始正式交流。 | | | | |